Speech in Music

Phonetic Spelling for Ukrainian
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a universal system of signs for writing sounds of any language, regardless of its spelling system. The practical value of the IPA alphabet is...
Phonetic Spelling for Ukrainian
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a universal system of signs for writing sounds of any language, regardless of its spelling system. The practical value of the IPA alphabet is...

The magical sound of ipipapa and the secret of ...
Welcome to the ipipapa blog, the place where music and language go hand in hand! Today we unravel the mystery behind our name and take you on the journey of...
The magical sound of ipipapa and the secret of ...
Welcome to the ipipapa blog, the place where music and language go hand in hand! Today we unravel the mystery behind our name and take you on the journey of...

7 pronunciation recommendations for singing in ...
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) presents a precise representation of German phonetics, particularly valuable for singers. The following key points should be emphasized: Consonants and vowels: Kohler's consonant table lists...
7 pronunciation recommendations for singing in ...
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) presents a precise representation of German phonetics, particularly valuable for singers. The following key points should be emphasized: Consonants and vowels: Kohler's consonant table lists...

IPA for Singing in German
The letters of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) are edited in the official IPA chart of the International Phonetic Association. This chart aims to depict the entire repertoire of sounds...
IPA for Singing in German
The letters of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) are edited in the official IPA chart of the International Phonetic Association. This chart aims to depict the entire repertoire of sounds...

The captivating music of Hanna Hawrylez (Ганна ...
Hanna Hawrylez was a Ukrainian composer whose music takes listeners on an emotional journey. Her works are characterized by their depth, expressiveness and artistic sophistication. In this post, we take...
The captivating music of Hanna Hawrylez (Ганна ...
Hanna Hawrylez was a Ukrainian composer whose music takes listeners on an emotional journey. Her works are characterized by their depth, expressiveness and artistic sophistication. In this post, we take...

Vesna: My Sister's Crown - A musical journey ac...
Vesna : Czech entry at ESC 2023 in Czech, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and English. A musical journey across language borders and a statement for peace, love and unity across national borders....
Vesna: My Sister's Crown - A musical journey ac...
Vesna : Czech entry at ESC 2023 in Czech, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and English. A musical journey across language borders and a statement for peace, love and unity across national borders....
On this page, you will find informative articles about the topics that move us. We write about songs written in several languages, female composers, pronunciation while singing, and of course our musical scores with phonetic transcriptions.