Auf dem Bild sieht man einen Teil aus der Nr. 12 der Ganznächtlichen Vigil von Rachmaninov. Im unteren Teil ist dieser Abschnitt im Abc System zu erkennen gegeben.

5 facts about the notation system abc and why you should use it

When it comes to writing music notation, abc is one of the best known and most widely used notation languages. Abc is a simple but powerful language that makes it possible to write music notation in text form. Abc stands for "A Basic Course in Music Writing" and was developed by Chris Walshaw in the 1980s.

Here are 5 facts about text-based abc and why you should start using this language right now:

   1. abc is easy to learn

Unlike other notation programs like Sibelius or Finale, abc is very easy to learn. There are only a few basic rules and the syntax is easy to understand. This means that you will be able to write your music scores in abc in a short time.

   2. abc is platform independent

abc is a platform independent notation language, which means that it can be used on any operating system and in any word processor. You don't need expensive notation software to use abc. It can simply be used in a text editor like Microsoft Word or Notepad.

   3. abc is widely used

abc is used by many musicians and composers around the world. It is one of the most widely used notation languages, which means that you have access to a large collection of abc files and sheet music that you can use and edit. The abc community is huge and this way you can quickly get in touch with other music notation users.

   4. abc offers many functions

Although abc is easy to learn, it offers many functions and possibilities. You can write multiple voices, add dynamics and articulation marks, notate chords and much more. It is also possible to export abc files to other formats like MIDI or PDF.

   5. abc is free of charge

abc is a completely free software. There are many abc editors and programs on the internet that you can download and use for free. You can write your music scores in abc and then edit them further in a text editor or other notation program of your choice.


So abc is a great notation language that is easy to learn, platform independent, widely used, feature rich and free. If you write music scores and are not yet familiar with abc, you should definitely give it a try! The IPA Score Player from ipipapa also uses the abc notation language. In combination with a synchronization tool, this makes it easy to produce a version for practicing sheet music.

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